Our approach to caring and our environment is very important to us and our residents. Every resident should have, wherever possible, received a pre-admission visit and assessment, which relatives are encouraged to attend if the resident so wish. Individual needs are discussed and clarified at this stage, and this information formulates the initial Care Plan for admission.
These visits if appropriate, will take place in the resident’s own home to enable us to establish the resident’s own way of life and environment. This is important as we strive to make the transition into the home as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
Care Plans are created and agreed with residents. They are reviewed monthly and adjusted as needs change. A senior member of staff will oversee all aspects of care delivery. The Care Plan is available for residents to view in their room and their families with the resident’s consent.
We actively encourage residents to live a life of their choosing and we will offer continued support to achieve this. Our aim is to get to know as much as possible about each individual and we will put together a life history of the resident following admission to the home, e.g. what they did for a living, family members, and memorable occasions in their life.
All furniture is provided, however, residents are welcome to bring in any personal items of furniture and we actively encourage personalisation of bedrooms with input from families.
Staff find this very helpful and interesting in getting to know the resident and encouraging them to continue with interests.
All residents will be allocated a specific keyworker who will develop a close relationship with the resident and ensure all rights, choices and preferences are exercised
Finishing touches
St. Christopher ’s aims to ensure the transition, from one home to another is a pleasant and comfortable experience for both residents and families alike.